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Photoshop 1, 2 and 3:  

When you are finished with today's assignment, go to Pinterest.com, and if you do not have an account, sign up for one.  Create a board called "Laser Cut Designs."  Then visit this board on Laser Cut projects.  When you see something you like, pin it to your Laser Cut Designs board.  Search for more designs using "laser cut projects," "laser etched projects," "etching designs," and whatever else you can think of.  When you click on an image, look to the right of it to see which board it came from, and look under it to see what other boards it appears on--you will find more ideas that way.  Try to come up with at least 25 ideas that you might want to try with the laser etcher.  Upload a link to your board on your blog.  Write one sentence describing your favorite "pinned" project.
Photoshop 1:
  • Vocabulary:  Rasterize, opacity, cylinder  From now on when you write about what you did or learned, if I have given you vocabulary words,  you must use them!
  • No video today--you have to actually read the assignment!
  • Getting More out of the Warp Tool Effect 
  • (Note:  after the instructions say to "Place" the image, right click on the image file and "rasterize"--they left that step out.)
  • Files:  Container Image, Image for Label
  • When you are finished:
  • Use the text tool to type your name. 
  • Right click on the text layer and "rasterize"
  • Use the warp tool to put your name at the top of the can
Upload your finished assignment as "Getting More out of the Warp Tool"

Next, find your own images (one graphic, one "container" to warp to) to use.  Upload as
Getting More out of the Warp Tool 2

When you are finished with the above assignments, work on the Alphabet Book Cross-level project.  Remember to put your name by your choice (the list is on the door).

 Photoshop 2 & 3:

Print and Image:                                                                            
  • If you are not specifically working on your game board, complete the following assignment:
  • Assignment:  Comic Elements:  Speech Bubbles and Sound Graphics
    • Right click on the link and save to your computer
    • Follow the tutorials and upload both images to one blog post called Comic Elements.
    • Write a caption for each image.
  • New comic assignment:  Create a 4 panel comic using skills incorporating speech bubble, thought bubble, at least one sound graphic. 

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