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Advanced Print & Image, Photoshop 2 & 3:  

  1. Watch this video about creating a robot with Modio from start to finish.
  2. Create 3 different robots using the provided templates.  Take a screenshot of each robot, email it to yourself and post it on your blog.
  3. Then watch this video about setting up your Modio file so that it prints on our 3D printer.
  4. You will be limited to one tray each.  So...you can each make an extra small robot, or you can work together to make a small or medium robot.  But you will have to decide before-hand who gets to keep it!
I will choose my favorite and print it out large so that I have an example for future students.
Photoshop 1:
  • Assignment:  More on Puppet Warp

    Vocabulary:  Mannequin, Warp (Begin using the vocabulary in your explanation of your process.  Ten points off for not writing about the process; five points off for not using vocabulary.)
    Shortcut:  Cmd J
  • Assignment:  YMCA Mannequin (2 days)
  •  Watch this movie:  Puppet Warp Tool 
  • (If the internet is slow or the video won't link, it is also available by going to my resources page, click the videos and files link, click the "Photoshop Files" link and look for "Puppet Warp Tool")
  • Use this Photoshop file to follow along:   Mannequin
  • When you are finished, duplicate the mannequin layer 3 times (cmd j)
  • Line the mannequins up side by side and have them do the YMCA motions)
  • Upload your finished file as YMCA Mannequins
  • Upload your finished image along with a description about what you did or what you learned.
Photoshop 2:
  • Cont. with advanced assignments.
  • Upload your finished image along with a description about what you did or what you learned.
Print and Image:                                                                            
  •   Cont. with advanced assignments.
  • Upload your finished image along with a description about what you did or what you learned.

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