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Put Your Face on the Cover of a Magazine!


Ever wanted to be famous and appear on the cover of a magazine?  
Here's your chance! 

Project: Create a magazine cover that looks like a real magazine. 
Choose the title of the publication. 
Be sure you include a title, photo, date, and headline articles. 
Be creative and make the finished product look as professional as possible. 

·        Magazine size
o   US Letter
·        Photo of Yourself and/or Classmates on the Cover
o   Photo to be taken in class with Photo Booth (Note: if you want to bring in another photo for your magazine, use a Photo Booth photo as a "place holder" until then.  That way you know where to put the title and headlines on your magazine.)
o   Make sure not to cover your face when adding to your layout
·        Original Magazine Title
o   Use unique font and color
·        Date
o   Include month and year
·        Two Main Headline Articles
o   Choose the same font and color for ALL headlines
·        Three Sub-Headline Articles
o   Choose the same font and color for ALL headlines
o   These 3 headlines need to appear smaller than the 2 main headlines
·        Barcode
                           o   Use the following link to make your own barcode 
                           o   Copy and paste the barcode onto your magazine    


      ·        Grading
                           o   I will grade covers on your computer.  
                           o   Keep original Photoshop file so I can see your layers.
                           o   We will vote on class favorites!
                  ·        Examples:

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