.sidebar .widget {border-bottom: 1px solid #000000;}


Graphic Design/Photoshop 1:
Assignment:  (Wednesday 1/8/13 - Friday 1/10/13)

  •  Do each of the following.  Post before and after images for 1-6.  Post final images for 7-10.
    1. Crop a photo so it has a white border all around it
    2. Swap your head with someone else
    3. Change the color of someone's shirt
    4. Put muscles on someone
    5. Use puppet warp
    6. Find a photo of one animal in a field and use the clone stamp to put more animals in the field
    7. Make a path and put text on it
    8. Make clipped text
    9. Find 5 actions, download and run them.
    10. Wrap a picture around a coffee cup
Advanced Graphic Design/Photoshop 2: 
  •  Do the above list in one class period.

Digital Graphics:
  • Go back and publish any of your other videos that you've made.

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