Want to get started early? See requirements at the bottom.
Graphic Design/Photoshop 1:
- Clone stamp video using this image. When you are finished with the video, use the clone stamp to give her a third eye. Upload your finished image.
- Review the gradient mask tutorial for Monday's project. Use your own images.
- Review the gradient mask tutorial for Monday's project. Use your own images.
- Go to PSD Tutes and pick out 2 tutorials you would like to complete.
Digital Graphics:
Having trouble uploading your video to your blog? See this post about a work-around.
Assignment for everyone not actively editing video with iMovie:
- Complete this iMovie tutorial to prepare for Monday's project.
- Take a screenshot of your finished "timeline" and upload it to your blog.
- Also, take a screenshot of iTunes and iPhoto in such a way that you show that you completed the tutorials from the past two days.
Want to get started on your project early?
Here are the requirements for Photoshop 1, 2 and 3:8 x 10 inches or 10 x 8
300 dpi
Images must fade together so there are so hard lines where they overlap.
Must you at least 8 images
Must identify the images with text (i.e. "family," "lasagna," etc.)
Must have a title (i.e. "What I am Thankful for" or something less lame.)
Here are the requirements for Digital Graphics:
Use iMovie, iPhoto and iTunes to create a slideshow with photos, titles, music and transitions.
Must have a main title, titles that identify the images, and at least 10 images.
Export it and upload it to your blog.
Here are the two PS tutorials I would like: