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Video Tributes

The video tributes are trickling in. I expect tomorrow I'll see the majority of them. What did you think of this project? What would you have changed? 

Let me know in the comment section below.


  1. It was very fun, I liked it.

  2. This ptoject was very fun. Mrs.Miller did a really good job designing this project it let us show her who we really are and no just some boring website over and over (no offense). I enjoyed how we got to choose what we wanted that really helped with creating the movie. Thanks Mrs.Miller

  3. It was really enjoyable to do something different in this class for a change. I liked it!!!! :))

  4. This project was really fun and i enjoyed creating it very much... it was doing something different than the usual stuff in this class and I liked it a lot... Thanks Mrs. Miller!! :))

  5. I really liked this one because it gave us a chance to use our creativity to make a tribute to our subject. It was a definite change of pace because it gave us a new tool to use, and it allowed me to practice things in Movie Maker that I needed help with.
    Thanks Mrs. M!!

    --Ryan McDonald--

  6. I really liked how we got to use a new program to design this project. Movie Maker was interesting to work with and I enjoyed doing this project!
