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All classes:  

Photoshop 1:
  • First Semester Review:
  • Do each of the following.  
    Post before and after images for 1-6.  
    Post final images for 7-10.
    You have done all these tasks before.  If you need help, ask each other and/or check the Videos and Files page for the original tutorials. 

  1. Crop a photo so it has a white border all around it
  2. Swap heads in a photo with at least 2 people in it
  3. Change the color of someone's shirt
  4. Put muscles on someone using the Liquify filter
  5. Use puppet warp (under the Edit menu) in any way you want
  6. Find a photo of one animal in a field and use the clone stamp to put more animals in the field
  7. Make a path and put text on it
  8. Make clipped text
  9. Blend 3 images using gradient blend technique
  10. Wrap a picture around a coffee cup
Photoshop 2:
  • Continue working on advanced assignments.
  • Upload your finished image along with a description about what you did or what you learned.
Print and Image 1 & 2:                                                                            
  • Continue working on food truck assembly.
  • When you finish, begin printing your graphics to see if they are going to fit your truck.

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