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All classes:  

The Gaming Graphics class is completing its unit on comic strip creating.  If you are a Gaming Graphcis student, or just someone who enjoys creating comics, you should check out the following books:  Great Comic-Creating Books

Also, if you wanted to donate one of those books to our class, I wouldn't be adverse to the idea (used a PSAT vocab word there... :)
Photoshop 1:
    Outline a celebrity's face and hair.
    Find an image of a celebrity--just a head shot.
    Outline the face and hair using the pen tool.  You don't have to fill your paths, just outline.
    Create a text layer below your image and put the celebrity's name.
    You could also use a teacher or an administrator.
    Example 1
    Example 2
      Photoshop 2:
      • Cont. with tutorials
      • Evaluating other work:
        • Over the next two weeks take time to look at blogs of other Photoshop 2 (and 3) students
        • Choose 2 images from students (not in your class) that you think are worthy of printing poster-sized
        • Turn in a piece of paper with each student's blog name and the name of the image
        • Comment on at least additional images (not the same, and not in your class) using constructive feedback:
          • 1 thing you really like about the image
          • 1 suggestion for change
      Gaming Graphics:                                                                            

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