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Thursday, 10/18/12

Hey, Photoshop 2.  I decided that if I was going to require you to post your work regularly to your blog, I would do the same.  If you'll look to the right of this page, you'll see a link to my "Work in Progress" blog.

For Everyone:  Adding labels and the label gadget is a grade.  If you would like your grade to be a 100 instead of a "Missing," please go back and look at the Oct. 8 post.

Also For Everyone:
If your first name is not at the top of your blog, please put it there now, by either of these ways:
  • Change the title

  1. While viewing your blog, Click on "Design" in the top right corner (if you have a "Dynamic" design you will click on the little house, then click the dropdown and click "Settings")
  2. Click on "Settings" on the left
  3. At the top, under "Basics," you'll see "Title."  
  4. Click "Edit"
  • Add a "Text Gadget"

  1. While viewing your blog, Click on "Design" in the top right corner (if you have a "Dynamic" design you will click on the little house, then click the dropdown and click "Settings")
  2. Click on "Layout" on the left
  3. Click "Add a Gadget" on the right side of the page
  4. Scroll down to "Text" and click it
  5. In the large box, write something about yourself or just type your name.  Whichever you do, make sure you include your first name but not your last (although you can include your last initial if you like).
  • Add an "About Me" Gadget
  1. Follow the above instructions to add an "About Me" gadget.

Today's Assignments:

Graphic Design:  
  • Finish work from Tuesday and/or Wednesday;

Adv. Graphic Design:   (Note:  Voting on Halloween images will be Friday.  Please edit your Halloween posts so that the image is as large as possible without spilling over the edges of your blog.  Do not change the name of the post because I've already created the links to the voting page.)

  • Finish and turn in Anti-Bullying poster;
  • Continue working on Flow Chart Poster

Digital Media:
  • Finish work from Tuesday and/or Wednesday

Practice removing scars:  Scar1, Scar2, Scar3

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